To say I was over joyed to be asked by Deena to be a part of this blog tour is an understatement! Meeting her last spring at Quilt Market was a thrill. She is so talented and I have admired her work for a long time. I have always planned to write a quilting blog but just hadn’t started, so her invitation was the motivation that I needed. When I was in Utah this summer I had the opportunity to spend time in the Riley Blake board room, which is heavenly, walls lined with fabric, I was able to select the fabrics I needed. I have been inspired by low volume quilts for years and as I contemplated the design, I felt it was a perfect fit.
My pattern was inspired by my oldest son. He is the tallest student in his school, he has very bright and beautiful red hair so he definitely stands out. He is a star in many ways, last year we raised the bar for academics for him and he came away from the awards ceremony with 7 medals, athlete of the year and a top 25% Canada wide math certificate. I hadn’t made him a quilt for about 5 years so I wanted to celebrate his success and hard work.

I surprised my son today when he got home from school. He was thrilled. He was especially touched by the reason and the design. I was surprised that he matched the quilt. It was picture day at school so he wore something different other than basketball clothes!!
I had originally planned to do an allover wood grain design on this quilt, but I have been inspired recently by so many amazing quilters that I wanted to play with thread, fabric inspiration, quilt design and that puffy batting texture goodness!
Since I am a free motion quilting enthusiast and love teaching quilting designs I am providing a tutorial on how I quilted the star. My son helped me record the tutorial. I also have a paper outline of how I quilted the star.
I have two videos for you:
The straight line quilting designs can be achieved using a walking foot or a darning foot. You will require the darning foot for the swirls or loops. I will be continuing to post videos. I am also developing further supports to help you on your way to free motion quilting!
I had so much fun quilting this with a variety of designs I can’t show them all now. I will be showing off more details on the blog and instagram.
I loved Deena’s quilt she had a Spring Market.
Don’t miss on any of the blog tour for this spectacular collection!
Monday: Jennifer’s fun t-shirt quilt @ deenarutter.com
Tuesday: Amy Smart at www.diaryofaquilter.com
Thursday: Jina Barney @ wwwjinabarneydesignz.blogspot.com
Friday: Amanda Niederhauser @www.jedicraftgirl.com
Saturday: Deena @ www.deenarutter.com
I love this line and am happy that the quilt I made will stay in my sons room and I can enjoy it every time I walk past it. In Canada it is available at www.nutsforboltsetc.com with free shipping within Canada.
To see all the fabrics check out this link from Riley Blake.

One last picture. Thanks for stopping in. Check out my other postings on my blog, my instagram, and Facebook accounts. Also, if you are interested in me doing some quilting for you, the details are included in my website. I really love to teach free motion quilting and have a tried and true method to get students going, so if your guild or shop would like me to come teach just let me know and we can discuss the details.