When you have deadlines which prevent precious quilting time one of the best things to do is doodle potential free motion quilting designs.
I also really enjoy that creative ‘me’ time. The past two weeks have not allowed any time at the sewing machine but every night before I go to bed I make sure to draw something. This creativity helps me be happy.

It also helps me to keep up the skills. Its keeping fit.

I would love your see your drawings.

I love that one design or sketch can be an inspiration to another.

Don’t worry what others will think. This is your process.

“We must stop comparing ourselves to others. We torture ourselves needlessly by competing and comparing. We falsely judge our self-worth by the things we do or don’t have and by the opinions of others. If we must compare, let us compare how were in the past to how we are today-anreven to how we want to be in the future.”