Diets don’t work long term. Learn the long game with my process of Loving Yourself Thin.
This program is exactly for you.
Weight loss for quilters.
You are in the right place.
This program is exactly for you
Weight loss for quilters.
You are in the right place.
Is this you?
- Quilter
- You feel tired and frustrated more than you want to admit?
- Overweight
- Hard worker and accomplished in many areas of your life
- You don’t feel like your time is your own
- Not sure where your days go half the time
- You wonder if there is more to life than what you have
- Tried all the diets and have given up
- Want to be more active
- Tired of sitting on the sidelines watching everyone else
- You desire to feel more calm and happy on a daily basis
- Want to get thin and stay thin without stress
There Is Nothing Wrong With You.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got.
It’s time to do something different.
Weight Loss for Quilters is THE Solution
It's not your fault you have struggled.
Weight loss has never been about food.

I Call It Love Yourself Thin.

When you truly love and care for something you are more likely to take care of it.
- 'What’s wrong with you, why can’t you figure this out by now?’
- 'If you were really smart you would have lost the weight and kept it off’
- ‘Smarten up and get with it. You need to work harder’
- People pleasing
- Trying to be perfect in everything I did
- Procrastinating
- People pleasing
- Trying to be perfect in everything I did
- Procrastinating
If you can relate to this, you are in the right place.
I have created a three step process of helping women create peace and calm in their life. We start with food and our bodies. The work then flows into all the other areas.
learn how simple weight loss is.
This program is not a cookie cutter program where you follow a list and eat what I say because I teach you all of the tools required.
I rarely know what my clients eat. You learn how to create your very own eating protocol. I teach you tools to assure the efficacy of your plan. You are the driver. You can troubleshoot for yourself. You have the power. You are liberated.
After we start implementing the eating protocol for the first 4 modules we introduce the second phase of my Love Yourself Thin Program called ‘Emotions are the key to the Universe’. Our main motivation in life is to feel a certain way, but ironically we buffer or shy away from doing things because we dont want to feel specific things.
Sound scary? No problem! You will learn that fear and other emotions don’t ever have to hold you back ever again. You will be surprised at how much money you save when you learn this. You will be delighted by how productive you become!

Feelings are powerful both negative and positive.
- Eating
- Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
- Checking emails
- Watching shows
- Shopping
- Being really busy

While there is nothing wrong with any of those activities, the problem happens when you haven’t planned spending your time doing these.
When you don’t plan your time, what you fill your time doing will shape who you become. Not very happy with your current state of affairs? I help women plan their time so they can feel happy with their day.
This section helps you overcome other obstacles such as productivity in the quilting area. My clients find they get more quilting done, finish projects, spend less money on impulse buys and feel more proud of their work.
After we gain awareness of emotions and learn the tools in section two we move onto the third section of the program: creating a future version of ourselves who we really love being.
When you don’t plan your time, what you fill your time doing will shape who you become. Not very happy with your current state of affairs? I help women plan their time so they can feel happy with their day.
This section helps you overcome other obstacles such as productivity in the quilting area. My clients find they get more quilting done, finish projects, spend less money on impulse buys and feel more proud of their work.
After we gain awareness of emotions and learn the tools in section two we move onto the third section of the program: creating a future version of ourselves who we really love being.
Have you given up on making goals?
I Teach Making & Keeping Goals Entirely Different From The Norm.
Love yourself thin process creates change. Clients accomplish huge goals such as 80 pounds of weight loss, finish a hand pieced queen sized wedding quilt after 16 years of sitting, going kayaking, attending in person classes, and getting off of diabetes medication to name a few!
Diets don’t teach you to trust yourself. They see how well you can follow someone else’s plan. Love Yourself This builds a foundation where self confidence builds. Step 1 of self confidence is to build trust with yourself. Step 2 is to be willing to feel any emotion and then step 3 is your opinion of yourself changes.
You have created permanent change. This creates an upward spiral of growth and confidence which is the complete opposite of what is probably happening in your current life.
Break trust with yourself- not willing to feel any emotion so you buffer (most likely with food) and then your opinion of yourself decreases and that spirals downward.
The Love Yourself Thin process will teach you independence with food. You learn how to troubleshoot your weight loss.
The Love Yourself Thin process will teach you to navigate through anxiety, fear and all the other ‘negative’ emotions. You are no longer a prisoner to your emotions. You create freedom in your emotions.
The Love Yourself Thin process builds trust in yourself.
Here is how it works:
Join now and get immediate access to my program. It is pay once and you are in.
Watch the introductory
orientation videos.
Set up your personal tracking account. This is where we start guaranteeing your success.
Schedule the calls and modules. Get to know all of the other women who are learning to love themselves thin. Get involved. Learn from others. Create your own success story one day at a time.

There is a money back guarantee. If you follow my formula for losing weight I guarantee that you will lose a minimum of 12 pounds in the first 12 weeks.
My program is risk free. When you lose weight and understand how you were able to create your own plan, you never have to spend another penny on weight loss diets again.
You Have Lifetime Support Here In Love Yourself Thin. You Have Everything You Need All In One Place.
Plus This Additional Content...
Bonus Programs
Includes 9 Bonus Programs
*See Full List Of Programs In The FAQ
Bonus Courses
1% Club
Weight Loss Science Is Simple
How To Solve Any Problem
12 Step Perfection Recovery

- How much money have you spent already on weight loss systems, book and programs?
- How many of the days do you spend feeling frustrated, depleted and annoyed about your body and trying to decide what the heck to eat?
- Calculate the number of minutes you spend being critical in your head, now think of how many quilts you could finish if you used that time for quilting instead?
- Are you having the emotional energy and presence in relationships that you desire? What is you not being present for yourself and your loved ones costing you?
- What would happen if you swapped the amount of time buffering (social media, food, tv and overspending) to devoted relationship or quilting time?
Let me help you end your struggles.

This is discouraging. Frankly, it feels hopeless. Nothing is wrong with you. Can you imagine trying to make a quilt without a rotary cutter, quilting ruler or a cutting mat? You can muddle through but it would not be at the caliber you desire. I teach you tools that end the struggle. Not only do I teach you how to use the tools but I am in the program all along the way.
This is discouraging. Frankly, it feels hopeless. Nothing is wrong with you. Can you imagine trying to make a quilt without a rotary cutter, quilting ruler or a cutting mat? You can muddle through but it would not be at the caliber you desire. I teach you tools that end the struggle. Not only do I teach you how to use the tools but I am in the program all along the way.
You can get coached in the weekly calls. You can ask questions in the group. You have access to fellow members for support.
You are not meant to do this alone. You don’t know what you don’t know- so how can you expect yourself to have the level of success you desire?
- I teach you the tools.
- I help you use the tools.
- You learn to use the tools with my support.

You can get coached in the weekly calls. You can ask questions in the group. You have access to fellow members for support.
You are not meant to do this alone. You don’t know what you don’t know- so how can you expect yourself to have the level of success you desire?
- I teach you the tools.
- I help you use the tools.
- You learn to use the tools with my support.
You Gain Mastery With These Tools And Independence.
You have now learned the skill of losing weight and keeping it off for the rest of your life.
Have Questions?
We’ve got answers.
Yes, once you make the one time payment of $2000 you will not have any further expenses.
No, Love Yourself Thin requires you to create your own protocol based on your body and region. Don’t worry we teach you all of the guidelines and troubleshooting strategies to get the weight off and keeping it off
That is an awesome question- you don’t know what you don’t know. This process teaches you how to be aware of what your brain is thinking. You will then learn what to do with those thoughts.
No. I recommend that you commit to losing 12 pounds in 12 weeks but you can take longer if you wish.
8 Pounds in a Month
Desire AKA Buffering
Intermittent Fasting Group
Dara’s Favourite Things
Deep Dive Into the Model
Planning to Love Your Life
Dana Palmer Hormone Class
Perfection Recovery Class
How to Create Comfort Without the Calories
A recap of what’s included
Love Yourself
Thin Course
Group Coaching
with Dara
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