This summer was unique in that I had some pretty significant deadlines so I had to be super creative with the balancing act of motherhood, personal balance (physical, mental and emotional), house maintenance etc. So one of the solutions I came up with was moving my sewing station into the garage. I could supervise as they rode bikes, played basketball or whatever out door activity they chose.
Some of my neighbours toke a keep interest in my activities. It was great, they could pull up a chair and visit.
My favourite though was when my older kids would come at night, pull up a lawn chair and we would listen to Stuart McLean on Vinyl Cafe. I get his podcasts regularly. I highly recommend you search him out if you haven’t already heard him. He is a great Canadian. Check him out here:
his week I will have to pack up my summer studio so I can start to park the van in the garage as the mornings are growing more frosty and cool. Thanks for the memories.

“A life without love is like a year without summer.”