Day 24- Dara’s Life Liberated Challenge Dress the Part

Day 24 Dressing Yourself Every Day

I feel like I have a different spin on this concept of ‘dressing for success’. One of the issues that can come up with this is the fear of imposter syndrome.

I want you to think of a time in your life that you made a big change. For example, going from student to employee. What had a shift for you? What new behaviours did you get? How did you change?

One of the main reasons we want to ‘dress the part’ is to help ourselves to become that next version of yourself. We are being reminded that we are evolving and changing. 

Imposter syndrome is a big deal if we are really pushing against accepting that it is possible for us to change. I remember when I was sitting in my first staff meeting before school started. It ended and then all of the teachers went to their own classrooms. I sat in my designated classroom staring at the list of my new students thinking, ‘how am I supposed to know what to do?, Have they made a mistake?, I really don’t know what I am doing?, This is a huge mistake!”. 

I just acted the part until it became natural. It was awkward and difficult. Growth is uncomfortable but it also incredible to know that we can all evolve.

Let’s just take a moment to do a little dreaming. Maybe you can put on some relaxing music and let your mind go to ‘the perfect life’ land. What would your perfect house look like? What would your eyes first see every morning when you wake up? What would you be doing every morning? What impact will you be having in this world?

I really love to dream out loud in the car when I am by myself. The more I allow myself to dream, the more clarity I get as I allow the details to become more clear. You should not skip this part of the ‘how to become that next version of yourself’.

So here is the writing assignment.

1. What would your perfect day look like?

-what time do you walk up

-where will you be walking up at? (vacation, your home)

-what will you eat?

-who will be around you?

-what activities will you do?

-how will you feel?

2. What is a legacy you have for yourself?

3. What does a person who has that legacy do when they walk up every morning? 

4. What does a person dress like who has created this life?

5. Make a commitment to yourself of ONE thing you are going to do from today on to make that change.

One thing that I have done that has helped me to create the life that I love is making sure that the clothes I am wearing (no matter how much I weigh) fit me properly and that I like them. If they don’t give me a little lift, I say good-bye. I mentioned in my video that I am a huge fan of thrift stores. We do not need to break the bank to look and feel good.

So happy that you are joining me in this challenge.

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February 26th-28th, 2025 at 12pm Pacific

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